For Schools

Unprecedented visibility into student performance

With Kait, you can record and analyze how students attempt to solve problems, not just their final answer. Kait’s AI Tutor identifies areas of struggle, and produces personalized learning programs targeting mastery

  • Automatic grading

  • Question diagnostics

  • Student cognitive and behavioral metrics (CBM)

  • AI generated practice problems

  • Student writing recorded for playback as Pencast™

Earlier insights mean more time to identify and address problems

Kait automatically exposes underdeveloped skills before the final assessment, by flagging excessive time to solve problems, false starts, and other key signals that can only be obtained by understanding how students work. Then, Kait’s AI tutor targets those gap skills for development

Engage and motivate students with personalized learning experiences

Kait’s AI Tutor focuses on developing fundamental skills, and only gives students problems within their reach - that they can learn from incrementally. This approach minimizes student frustration and provides a strong sense of continual progress. As a result over 300 AI Trainings done voluntarily by 32 students in 14 days!

Give teachers more time to teach

Kait automatically marks free-response answers on homework, quizzes, and tests.

Kait helps teachers plan and administer individualized lessons to their students, making personalized classroom instruction possible.

Assess and improve teaching performance

Kait offers unprecedented insight into what students are actually working on, and how that work relates to learning outcomes. Whether that work is in the classroom or at home, it’s now possible to measure what works and what doesn’t.

Automate exam administration and

Standardized and school-wide exams are challenging and time-consuming to administer - more so if they include a free response component. Kait automates free-response exam administration and marking so there’s no need to compromise.

Looking for expert advice?

Kait’s patented biometric AI solution solves one of the most difficult questions in applying AI in traditional classroom settings: lack of digital data. Our parent company, Anoto, is the pioneer in the smart pen technology for digitally capturing work and is used by an MIT-funded company to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and won US FDA approval. We leverage the use of that pen to untether AI educational support from computer-based input.